Thursday, June 1, 2017

Avoiding Slow Performance - Part 3

Parts one & two of this article can be found at the blog links at the bottom of this page.
Laptop/Desktops  Performance Issues
#4 Not enough Ram (memory installed)
Insufficient RAM (random access memory) on any computing device can severely impact both the performance and more importantly the life of the device. Understanding the relationship that ram plays in your device is quite often misunderstood. This area of understanding has become muddied by the advent of the tablet and smart phone.

Most computing devices consist at the most base level of three components –
#1 The Processor – aka cpu central processing unit or brain if you like,
#2 Ram (random access memory) provide an area to run apps.
#3 Storage for your information, the operating system and your apps.

The processor runs your apps and loads these apps into ram when you require them. If you had only one app then this would be a very simple process and unless the size and you would have a blazingly fast device. Obviously this is not the case so the cpu uses swapping to overcome this issue. Swapping involves moving your apps in and out of ram as needed. To do this the cpu and creates temporary files on your storage device and this process takes time. The more apps you run the slower your system will become as it must manage the swapping process as you pop between your apps.

Thus the more ram a device has the less swapping that must occur. It’s as simple as that. Adding additional ram to desktops and laptops was usually possible but like everything this option has become less available with the move to cheap throw away laptops. Smart phones and tablets cannot have ram upgrades. Before you rush out and buy more ram its important to understand that ram alone is not the only issue. The power of your cpu and the storage on your device are part and parcel of the package. There are also other considerations which to avoid confusion I won’t go into!

The swapping process requires energy and energy creates heat. Heat kills devices. It is vital to keep your device as cool as possible. When it comes to laptops and desktops regular checks by a qualified technician will ensure all the components in your computer that ensure it stays cool are working effectively. Finally a note on storage, the cheaper laptops now available have less than 1/10 of the storage capacity of computers I worked on ten years ago. Progress ? You decide on that one.

Next Month, God willing, I will continue on this and the other topics listed.

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