Monday, February 8, 2016

Hidden Dangers of Technology

This month’s article deals with an area which is increasingly becoming the hunting ground of the scam artists, No matter what anyone tells you the internet or cloud if you prefer is not a secure entity and neither is anything you keep on it. I am not one bit surprised as we have all be lulled into a false sense of security regarding technology and are easy prey if we drop out guard. In this article I will outline some common misconceptions and hopefully you’ll keep your guard up.

Myth #1 – The Cloud
There is no cloud, no such entity exists it is simply a marketing term for the internet but one which has been enormously successful. When you think of the Cloud you are immediately transported to some mythical place no doubt up there somewhere. It’s a complete falsehood. The cloud is nothing more than file storage servers hung off internet connections. Neatly wrapped in some front end software it appears magical. Its not. It hackable, crashable, and vulnerable. There is no special task force watching your cloud accounts. If I get your password and have your device I am you. It’s that simple and that dangerous. It is not now, nor will it ever be, a substitute for your own trusty hard drive stored in your drawer.

Myth #2 – Hacking is not as bad as reported.
Hacking is severely unreported. No company wants their customers to know they have been compromised and they will only admit when it is going to hit the news. You hear about those hacks where the hackers force the company to admit it or else they release the info onto the net. You do not hear about the undetected hacks. To quote Rumpsfeld you never hear about the “unknown unknowns.”

Hacking is big business and is not strictly the domain of a bunch of teenagers. Organized crime uses it, countries use it, and unscrupulous businesses use it. These entities are actively involved in attempting to breach security across the internet. Knowledge is power and spying has been around virtually since time begun. It will never go away ever.

Myth #3 – Hackers employ advanced software.
Most hacks are due to human error and laziness. Humans are creatures of habit and quite often employ easily guessed password. Once a hacker is inside a network gaining more and more access is simply trolling through data. Passwords are commonly transmitted over unsecured networks and easily intercepted with the right piece of software and equipment. Witness the ATM scams which never seem to go away despite the best efforts of the banks. Hackers and criminals spent their time thinking of new ways to get at your information and consequently your money.

Next month I’ll continue on this topic God willing. Stay safe.