Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Computer Jargon Explained – Part 2

This month’s article is part two of a series to understanding, in simple language, the myriad of “jargon” associated with computers.

Of all the issues I deal with internet connectivity is by far the most misunderstood by computer users. Over and over again I see the same mistakes being made due to lack of understanding about broadband and the method used to provide it. This month I will begin to address this topic.

Fixed Line Broadband
This method of receiving broadband is delivered over your telephone and is currently by far the most reliable solution. Not everyone can get it as the distance from your home to the local telephone exchange is a factor.

Fixed line Broadband Providers
It is very important to understand that while there are many companies selling broadband services such as Vodafone the broadband network is owned and operated by Eircom. They maintain the entire domestic telephone system which includes the telephone line and exchanges. No company other than Eircom has physical access to these lines or exchanges and any repairs required are carried out by Eircom.

Before selecting a broadband provider you should seek professional advice and also consult your friends and family in the locality to see their experience with the broadband provider. Most if not all of the providers will lock you into a 12 or even 18 month contract so before you agree to change providers you should be 100% happy that you are making the right decision.

Fixed Line Broadband Connectivity
It is also important to understand how you pc actually connects to the internet.
Each broadband provider, be it Eircom Vodafone or someone else, operates their own DNS servers. These servers are your computers index to the internet and if these servers are unreliable or over subscribed you broadband will suffer severely.

Broadband Speed
On your bill or contract you will find the speed of your broadband connection.
You should periodically check that you are getting what you paid for. Towards this end I provide a page on my website that links to three broadband speed tests. I recommend you watch the video on this page and do the tests.  

Broadband Modem/Router
Your broadband modem is key to good connectivity and I advise all customers to consider purchasing a good quality modem. This will not only give you more reliable internet connectivity but will also provide better wireless networking within your home. I will continue with this topic next month.
