This month’s article deals with something that virtually everyone has experienced with their computer. If you have not yet experienced a crash chances are, unfortunately, someday you will. Preparing for a computer crash correctly will ensure that the effect is minimized and the amount of tears shed will be few. No matter how much you baby your computer there are forces outside your control which can crash it and thus it is wise to plan and prepare for that day.
Preparation – A Stitch In Time Saves Nine
Step 1. Securing Your Data
There is no substitute for regular backups of your data. If you are a light computer user, which is rare these days, your photos and documents should fit on a usb key(flash drive). There are inexpensive so there is no excuse for not buying one. I recommend that you buy two and alternate backups. Usb keys are easily lost so it makes sense to have more than one. Sensitive information should be encrypted before being copied to the usb key. You can download a free encryption utility from I recommend you encrypt all sensitive information on both your computer and any backup devices you use.
For heavier computer users the best backup solution is an external hard disk drive. They can be purchased for around 65 euro and this is excellent value. As with the usb keys buy two if your budget permits. I’ve had more than a couple of customers who have broken their usb drives. A drop from the kitchen table will in many cases send your usb drive, and it’s precious cargo, to Valhalla.
Step 2. Generating Your Recovery Disks
This is a critical step to recovering from a computer crash. I’ve covered this topic in a previous article (December 2011 Of The Meath Coaster) but if you want to review the article check it out on my blog :
Next month’s article will continue on this topic with : Securing Your Software CD’s/Software Licenses, Watching For Signs Of A Crash. When The Big Day Happens, and Recovering From A Crash.
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Sunday, April 1, 2012
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